Engage & Encounter encompasses our work with the over 50s.
We aim to engage with people from our own church family, and from the wider community, to come and be a part of our supportive community, while also having fun together.
Chatty Cafe
Chatty Cafe is a space open every Tuesday from 10am-12pm for over 50s to meet together have some tea and coffee, to talk and laugh together.
Each week we have a different activity: games, crafts or something new. We look forward to you coming and joining us.
Tuesday Club
Tuesday Club runs from 2pm-3.30pm every week. It’s a place where we meet and listen to a speaker, hearing stories and presentations from various people..
Come along to have tea, coffee and cake.
Knit & Natter
Knit & Natter is a group that meets every Wednesday, 10am-12pm.
We come together to knit, do crafts and engage in conversation with others in a group. Everyone is welcome, no matter your experience, and we learn from each other.
We would love to see you there.